The Cohiba cigar was started in 1966, and it came in only one size, which was created for Fidel Castro consumption. The brand started its sales in Spain in the year 1982 and thus expanded its size. The Cohiba Robusto was added in the line in 1989 and was considered the thickest as per the company’s portfolio. Thirty years after the release, the Cohiba Robusto is still in high demand. This specific cigar is one of the finest made cigars with the highest grade tobacco from the finest farm of the Cuban’s Vuelta Abajo zone. Moreover, the sophisticated and delicious smoke makes sure the user passes a fantastic time.
Cohiba Robusto
A benchmark for all the different, incredible, and complex Robustos!
Category: Cohiba
- The cigars are made with tobacco from Cuba and delivers spicy smoke.
- Measures at 4.8 inches by a 50 ring gauge, the cigar delivers full strength smoke.
Origin | Cuba |
Type | Cigar |
Length | 4.8″ |
Ring Size | 50 |
Shape | Robusto |
Strength | Full |
Taste | Spicy |
Total | A Bundle of 3 |
What's in the box
- Cohiba Robusto
How to use it
- Light up the front side of the cigar.
- Inhale from the other side and enjoy!
why choose it
- It can be used straight out of the box.
- It comes with one of the finest tobacco in the world.
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Cohiba Robusto
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