The Partagas Serie D No. 4 is among the finest Cuban Cohiba Robusto Cigars available today. Built especially for Cigar enthusiasts, it has a full flavor that packs an amazing taste experience for the user. The cigars from the company are recognized for their earthy flavor, and No. 4 is a classic example of their cigars. Moreover, the cigar is all about smoothness and offers a hind of blended nuts, roasted coffee, and even vegetables making the smoke flavorsome and authentic.
Partagas Serie D No. 4
A flawless Partagas Serie D No. 4 Cigar with a hint of blended nuts, roasted coffee, and vegetables to offer flavorsome smoke!
Category: Partagas
- Partagas Serie D No. 4 comes with cedar aromas and with the finest packed Robusto Cuban Tobacco.
- Measures at 4.8 inches by a 50 ring gauge, the cigar delivers strong flavor.
Origin | Cuba |
Type | Cigar |
Length | 4.8″ |
Ring Size | 50 |
Strength | 4 |
Shape | Robusto |
Total | 3 |
What's in the box
- A Bundle of 3 Partagas Serie D No. 4
How to use it
- Light up the front side of the cigar.
- Inhale from the other side and enjoy!
why choose it
- The Cigar doesn’t need a recharge and can be used straight out of the box.
- It comes with one of the finest Cuban tobacco in the world.
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Partagas Serie D No. 4
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