Captain Black is a globally recognized name in the world of tobacco, known for its aromatic pipe tobaccos and cigars. Established in late 1950s, the brand initially gained attention for its distinctive blend, which was described as a pleasant, slow-burning, slightly aromatic tobacco. The name “Captain Black” was inspired by the pirate Blackbeard, reflecting a maritime theme and a connection to traditional pipe smoking.

By the 1970s, Captain Black had introduced the pipe tobacco blend that remains popular to this day, earning its position as one of the best-selling pipe tobaccos in the United States. In the 1990s, the brand expanded its offerings by introducing filtered cigars, followed by plastic-tipped cigars in 1998, appealing to a wider range of customers.

Now a household name in the tobacco industry, Captain Black’s products are enjoyed by enthusiasts across the globe, with a strong presence in countries from Australia to Kazakhstan. Its dedication to quality and tradition has cemented its place as a favorite among tobacco lovers worldwide.

Captain Black Sail Royal 50g
