The Montecristo No. 5 is a Perla Vitola ad that comes in a medium size. The cigars are rolled by hands and filled with the finest tobacco. The Montecristo brand launched the numbered series of these cigars in 1935. However, the brand waited for two years before it was released for the market. The Montecristo 5 comes with diverse flavors and mild-medium strength smoke to come out of these cigars with a mix of cocoa, roasted coffee beans, and the vanilla shaken up with spicy notes. With a moderate size of a cigar, you can enjoy a smoke for 30 minutes. Moreover, the rich profile of this cigar is approachable for serious smokers to pair it well with beverages!
Montecristo No. 5
Montecristo 5 mix of cocoa, roasted coffee beans, and the vanilla shaken up with spicy notes!
Category: Montecristo
- Hand-rolled in Cuba; the origin lies at the Pinar del Rio region of Cuba.
- Measures at 4 inches by a 40 ring gauge, the cigar delivers medium flavor.
- It comes in a pack of five.
Origin | Cuba |
Type | Cigar |
Length | 4″ |
Ring Size | 40 |
Strength | Medium-Full |
Shape | Petit Corona |
Total | A Bundle of 5 |
Smoking Time | 15-30 Minutes |
What's in the box
- A Bundle of 5 Montecristo No. 5
How to use it
- Light up the front side of the cigar.
- Inhale from the other side and enjoy!
why choose it
- The Cigar doesn’t need a recharge and can be used straight out of the box.
- It comes with one of the finest Cuban tobacco in the world.
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Montecristo No. 5
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